Assignment 2 overview

I think I just completed assignment 2, It was a long process but I am finally there.  Just like Josh I was at first frustrated with not being able to utilise the Health and Physical Education curriculum as it is still waiting to be endorsed so I had to turn to my second teaching area, History.

Writing a unit of work for history was a first for me and I think it was definitely a necessary challenge.  I decided on year 10 history focusing on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander rights and freedoms as my constructing knowledge and for transforming knowledge I included 3 descriptors (ACHHS188) (ACHHS192) (ACHHS186).  As the unit of work was only 5 weeks long, I focused the first 2 weeks on learning experiences to understand the major events for rights and freedoms, the following 1.5 weeks as beginning to apply knowledge in activities such as creating a Facebook page and making a Prezi.  The remaining 5 lessons (1.5 weeks) was used to work on assessment presentations for student’s historical inquiries.

I hope you all find success in assignment 2 and godlike with prac and assignment 3

Thanks for reading.

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